How to Make Good Use of a Small Business Loan?

Ajitsamal Afinoz
5 min readAug 14, 2019


Congratulation! Your small business loan is approved. Now, what next? Well at this stage, you must analyze all the aspects of the finances which will boost your business. You must be aware that finance is the backbone of any business and wisely use of the same will result in the success of the business.

So, if you are an entrepreneur and looking for a way out for the effective use of a small business loan, then you have landed on the right place as here you will get the comprehensive information of efficient use of the loan in running the business.

It’s time to build your business credit and for the same, you will have to schedule the repayment. For the repayment, you must plan your budget and make sure to set the automatic payment mode in the business account, so that the repayment amount can be deducted on the time. This will help you to maintain a good credit score. Earlier at the stage of the loan process, you may have seen the role of the credit score and now you have got the opportunity to build the same. If failed, then it may hamper your credit score as well as a business credit history and this will become the major hurdle in the forthcoming business loan. So, it is advised to make the repayment to the lender on time to get the good credit score which will help you to get the loan in the future in an effective manner.

Inventory is the pioneer of any business and the proper plan of the same is a must. You should analyze what are the essential equipment is needed for the smooth running of the business and should avoid filling the warehouse with unwanted stuff. This plan will help you to regulate the cash flow of the small business loan in an efficient manner.A fresh inventory model with proper plan and execution will broaden your business range and will reach to the mass in a quick span of time which will result to the rise of the business and will show the wise use of the business loan.

Marketing is an important pillar of any business and if you want to reach high in the business, then you must focus on marketing. Earlier, conventional marketing was in demand which cost more and offers less output, but since after the digitalization all the goods and services are easily available under one roof and the operating cost is also minimal. So, you must advertise your business to get the maximum Return on Investment with minimum use of small business loan. This will reduce your cost and you will get a better output.

Sales and Marketing are the wings of the business and if talked about sales; more the sale more you will get the profit. But it is the output of the marketing and the sale of the products or services depends upon the marketing strategies. So, make use of the business loan in an effective way so that you may get good leads from the marketing and convert the same into the sales with maximum profit.

To start a new business, you will need a good team which will play an active role in your business. But the hiring and training process would cost you more. So, here you will have to focus more because you will have to wisely use the business loan to train the new staff and get good output from them. But make sure not to spend too much money in hiring and training the staff and if possible, avoid giving too much time in the process as time and money are directly proportional, more the time you will give in the process more the money will be drained out from your business account.

Make your business standardized

The sudden influx of cash flow via small business loan will make your mind blank and at this stage, you won’t be able to decide exactly where to optimize the money. At first, you just need to focus on your goal and the aim of the business. In the present days, there is enough competition in the market and you need to stand parallel in all aspects and one of such is the technology. In the field of technology, you will have to get the best software for your business which will give you the best output in a quick span of time and amid selecting the same you must select such software which is high in demand and must be cost effective.

After getting the small business loan you must focus on the repayment so as to build up the good credit score and this will help you in refinancing debt. If you have maintained the good track record with the lenders and paid the dues on the time, then you might be able to refinance the debt at a lower interest rate and if your business is expanding and you are getting a good profit then you may get the opportunity to repay the debt for a longer time.

Saving the money will help you to meet the unforeseen situations as in the business there are many ups and downs, so you must be ready to face such challenge and for the same, you have to keep the saving by reducing the budget of the business.

What if your business reaches the goal with only half of the approved any small business loan? like : hdfc business loan , sbi business loan etc. Well at this stage you will get excited and will wonder what to do next. But you need to focus to invest the money in the right place so that you can get much more profit and can repay the loan amount in an easy way. However, if the case is reversed and your business gets down then at this stage you need to be calm and hold the patience as you will have to look for the business, credit score, business loan credit, repayment and much more. So, think wisely and invest the small business loan in an appropriate place where you can get enough profit so that you can manage the debt in an effective manner.

Hence, these were the key features which will help you to utilize the Best business loan in an efficient manner.So, go through the same carefully and amid running the business don’t spend the money in the unwanted stuff which may result in the deep loss of the revenue.

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Ajitsamal Afinoz

I am a diligent and motivated self-worker with 3+ years of experience working in credit review and loan processing within the financial tech industry.