Best Angular Question and Answer (Update)

Ajitsamal Afinoz
4 min readNov 26, 2019


Angular Interview Questionsand Answers eBook has been specially designed to prepare you for the most frequently asked questions about the Angular in the job interview.

What is Angular?

Angular is an open-source software-based framework which is used for building single website pages. Programmers are also using this to create animated menus for HTML web pages. It is a type-script based web application for building web, mobile and desktop application. Angular JS is an open-source Front-end JavaScript framework is work on the base of Model View Controller (MVC) capability and reduces the amount of JavaScript which is required to make web applications functional.

Who Should Learn Angular?

The Angular introduction is mostly intended to the newcomer developers who have atleast some basic knowledge in JS framework ad wish to learn the idea behind Angular as well as able to understand the different between Angular and Angular JS. Everyone in the development and business fields is discussing these frameworks and many developers are arguing about the solutions. So, if you want to learn Angular, it is a good idea to know about the latest and updated version of Angular. If you are already familiar with Angular JS and want to make a strong career in this, then you should up-skill and take your knowledge to the next level.

What is the difference between Angular JS and Angular?

Angular is TypeScript based and Angular JS is based on JavaScript. Angular has the benefit of ES6 like iterators, lambda operators and reflection mechanism, whereas Angular JS uses the facilities of Scope and Controller. So, to scope a variable in Angular Js, you can add many other variables that will be visible in View as well as in Controller. AngularJS is also including with the concept of rootScope. Variables in rootScope are available throughout the application. But angular does not have the concept of Scope and Controller. In fact, it uses a hierarchy of components based on the main architectural concept.

What is the difference between Node.js and Angular?

Angular JS is a front-end JavaScript open-source framework for building a web application that can be used with any backend programming language including PHP, Java etc. It is mainly maintained by the Google developers to get solutions to the challenges faced during the development of single-page applications. Angular JS functions under the Model View controller (MVC) framework.

Node JS is a cross-platform runtime library which is being used to create running JavaScript applications outside the browser. This open-source is free and can be utilized to create Server-side JS applications. Node JS allows programmers to implement their code on the server-side.

What is the difference in Angular and React?

Angular is an open-source front-end TypeScript based web application platform. It is an MVC framework that develops user’s interfaces. It is very useful when it comes to create dynamic web apps. Angular allows two-way data binding. Angular mainly uses the browser’s DOM (Data Object Model) of a web app. Angular is easy to set up but it takes time to deliver projects as it has a steeper learning curve and uses lots of syntaxes to do simple things which ultimately increases coding time and delaying the delivery of the projects.

React is based on the JavaScript library to build user interfaces. React is developing at an extraordinarily increasing rate. React allows one-way data binding. React uses a virtual DOM. React, however, takes longer time to set up that Angular but create the projects and build the apps relatively faster than Angular.

How long will it take to learn Angular?

If you are already familiar with JavaScript and had enough knowledge on this and also have expertise in Object Oriented concepts of JavaScripts, you can then learn Angular within 4 weeks in an office project environment.

But for fresher who don’t have any idea in JavaScript, he/she must learn the JavaScript first. It may take atleast 3 months to become professional because Angular might seems to be a simple Object-Oriented problem statements but it has lots of internal plot holes that need to understand to the developer to use the framework to get optimum solutions.

Is there a certification for Angular?

Yes, there is a certification training course of Angular from Google. After doing such a certification course, the candidate would able to get a high salaried job in top MNCs. The Angular training course will make your master in front-end web development regarding Angular.

Why learn Angular?

There are lots of reasons why one should learn Angular and build a career on it. Some of the reasons are it is less in coding, easy to integrate, support single-page applications, provide you modularity and has cross-platform versatility function that means it can make applications for desktop applications, native mobile applications and web applications.

Why DotNetTricks?

DotNetTricks believes in the power of building relationships with the candidate to the companies. We provide training courses on different parts of Angular. Our Angular courses make you expert in creating dynamic, complex and interactive web applications using TypeScript, HTML and CSS and prepare you for the interviews on different companies in Angular development so that the candidate can make their career in this field. In our Angular training course, you will learn Components, dependency Injection, Pipes, Directives, Promises, Observables, Forms and Unit Testing in every step.

Originally published at on November 26, 2019.



Ajitsamal Afinoz

I am a diligent and motivated self-worker with 3+ years of experience working in credit review and loan processing within the financial tech industry.